Chairman's Rosebowl and Malmet Trophy 2004
18-20 September 2004, Meadows
The key decision about this year's competition for the Chairman's Rosebowl was taken on the Wednesday evening before play started. Rod Williams rang the manager to say that his wrist was giving him problems and perhaps he should pull out. The manager told him to rub Tiger Balm on it and if that didn't work he could always protect his wrist by not playing any big croquet strokes. He advised him that the easy way to guarantee this was by not hitting too many roquets. (The manager has been using this technique for many years.)
You could tell from the spicy scent in the clubhouse that Rod took the advice about Tiger Balm. You could tell from the results that he heeded not a whit the advice about missing roquets. Rod has now played in 23 of these tournaments and has equalled John Surgenor's record of having won 7 of them. John has only played in 16 so his success rate is a bit higher but Rod's longevity is amazing: he won his first Rosebowl 20 years ago. (Forty-two players have participated altogether; the person who has played next most (12) is your reporter, but he hasn't won any! [Yet.]