The 2024 GC inter-club league consists of two all-play-all blocks, with a final between the winners of each block. All block games should be completed by 31 August.
Each match will consist of two players from each team playing
- a best-of-one* handicap** doubles game, followed by
- a best-of-three* 13 point handicap** singles rubber each. Normally the lower handicap players will play each other, but captains may agree otherwise.
* The captains may agree in advance to play best-of three doubles and/or best-of-one singles, depending on time constraints. But in any event a match must consist of one doubles rubber and two singles rubbers, in order that a result is obtained.
** The extra turns system should be used unless the captains agree in advance to play Advantage GC.
Teams may be selected from a pool of players but no player may play for more than one team. All singles games count for the handicap card.
In the tables below the team named in the row will have choice of venue if there is a * in the cell, otherwise the choice will belong to the team named in the column. For example in Block A for Meadows 1 v Balgreen, Meadows 1 has the choice of venue. If a match is not played the away team will be deemed to have conceded, unless there is a good reason.
Read more: SCA GC Interclub 2024