Basil Townsend Quaich 2009
30 May 2009, Auchincruive
As often in the past Auchincruive was at its glorious best for this year's quaich. David Arnot represented Auchincruive; Bill Spalding, Glasgow; Robert Inder, Meadows; and Fergus McInnes, Edinburgh. Each player played all three others in 18 point games.
In spite of valiant attempts to repair rabbit damage the lawn was a little bumpy and surprisingly slow considering the hot conditions and the fact that David had spent most of Friday behind the lawnmower. The grass should grow soon and conditions will improve.
Robert was quick to use bisques in all his games. He had so much play in the first game that Fergus resorted to tree climbing to pass away the time. Bill also dominated play against David, who only managed to score a few hoops once Bill was for peg and peg.
When Robert had used all his bisques in the second game David managed to get level, but Robert withstood the pressure and prevailed after a few peg out attempts. Bill managed to beat Fergus in an error strewn game which was the only one to go to time.
That left Robert and Bill to battle it out for the trophy. By this time Bill was exhausted by the 25 degree heat and Robert finished in good style with a bisque standing. David and Fergus played for honour alone and what little honour and luck there was went to David.
The Malcolm P W Smith Memorial Pavilion played its usual part offering shelter from the oppressive heat, endless cups of tea and somehow conjuring up a magnificent afternoon tea.
The final placings were:
Robert 3 wins +41 points
Bill 2 wins +3 points
David 1 win -7 points
Fergus 0 wins -37 points
David Arnot