Jersey v SCA 2009
25-26 July 2009, Jersey
The Scottish team of James Hopgood (-0.5), Bill Spalding (4), Alan Wilson (4) and Jamieson Walker (8) arrived on Friday afternon and were quickly taken to Les Quennevais to allow us to practise for the afternoon before being taken for a meal (and drinks) at the Old Portelet Inn.
Before the start of the match Captain James Hopgood deliberated for a long time over who should play no 2; either Bill whose handicap had just gone down to 4 or Alan whose handicap had just gone up. In the event he decided that Bill was playing better at that time and it proved to be an inspired choice as Bill finished 7th turn (+26) against Gavin Carter (-1), only just failing a 5th turn triple when he nudged peelee on making rover and failed the peg out back through the hoop. The silver lining was that he reduced his handicap to 3.5. This proved the impetus for the Scottish team on day 2, after a 10-2 drubbing on day 1, and the fightback was on, ultimately resulting in a golden hoop, by Alan, in the final match of the day, to salvage a 12-12 draw.
Tony Le Moignan (-2) and his wife Paula (16) only played doubles, while Gavin only played singles, in a successful attempt to balance the sides - where Richard Griffiths (0), Martin Hodge (1.5), Richard Sowerby (6) and Elizabeth Medway (7) made up the rest of the home team. Richard S and Elizabeth alternated in the doubles alongside Richard G, with Martin substituting for Richard G who had to leave on Sunday afternoon for his flight back to Cornwall.
Day 1 saw only wins for Bill and Jamieson in the doubles against Tony and Paula and for Alan against Elizabeth in the singles although in Jamieson's 'loss' against Elizabeth the score was actually 19 -19. When time was called Jamieson reached 3b and rover while Elizabeth was on 4b and 4b. Believing the scores were tied Jamieson joined at 3b but Elizabeth hit the lift and made 4b. As both players (and all but one spectator) agreed that Elizabeth had won +1 that is the recorded result. If the mistake had been realised by the players Elizabeth would have continued her turn and made penult anyway so the result was correct.
The highlight of the day was Tony's turn in the doubles, against James and Alan, where he tpo'd Alan's ball while also peeling Paula's ball through hoops 2, 3 and 4. As time was called in the game the tpo was actually a tpoT (teapot) although Tony claims it was a sexpot as he had completed 6 peels. After an excellent meal (and drinks) at L'Auberge du Nord where we were joined by friends and partners including Richard Sowerby's nephew Rodolphe Dourthe (France's top player) and his partner Emmanuelle, some of us were taken on a moonlight tour of the island before retiring to prepare for the fightback.
Obviously Day 2's highlight was Bill's win against Gavin but Tony again completed a multiple peeling turn against James and Bill in the doubles although in this case it cost Jersey the game when he peeled partner through 2 and 3, blue (for hoop1) through penult and jawsed it in rover, having initially peeled black through 4b! On realising blue was the wrong ball he cleared it with a cannon and then peeled black through rover and pegged it off only to be told the peg-out didn't count as he hadn't peeled it through penult. So no tpo and James quickly went round, made the last two peels on black and finished.
In the final match two very tired players were slugging it out like punch drunk prize fighters with neither able to make a sizeable break but both hitting in to prevent the other progressing. Time was called during Richard's turn after he had hit a 17 yd shot and made hoops 5 and 6 to tie the game (1b and 3b v 6 and 4b). After Saturday's mistakes both players counted their scores several times! Needing to make 1b to go ahead he managed to get a 1 ft angled position and opted to try to thrash through only for his ball to hit the leg and bounce to an unrunnable angle at the side of the hoop. Alan shot at his own ball near hoop 1 but missed leaving Richard the opening but he missed to the middle of N boundary. Alan hit a 6 yd shot and took off to Richard's ball near 1b, tried to cut it to 6 and failed so stopped it to S of 5 and took partly wired position in front of 6. Richard missed Alan on W boundary and Alan ran 6 to finally win the game and tie the match.
As Scotland won 2 years ago we retain the nothingness trophy for another two years.
Most of us then went to Old Portelet Inn again for another fine meal (and drinks). Monday saw a daylight tour of the island followed by a full English Breakfast at "Big Vern's" before the homeward flights. A wonderful weekend with spectacular scenery, warm, dry weather and generous hospitality. I don't know about anyone else but I want to go back.
Alan Wilson
(Jersey names first; 2.5-hour time limits)
Tony & Paula Le Moignan lost to Bill Spalding & Jamieson Walker - 1T
Richard Griffiths & Richard Sowerby bt James Hopgood & Alan Wilson + 7T
Gavin Carter bt Spalding +11tp
Griffiths bt Hopgood +13
Sowerby bt Walker +13
Elizabeth Medway lost to Alan Wilson -25
Le Moignan & Le Moignan bt Hopgood & Wilson + 3tpoT (TLM)
Griffiths & Medway bt Spalding & Walker +3T
Carter bt Hopgood +14tp
Griffiths bt Spalding +16
Sowerby bt Wilson +6
Medway bt Walker +1T (19 - 19)
Le Moignan & Le Moignan lost to Hopgood & Walker - 20tp(H)
Griffiths & Sowerby bt Spalding & Wilson +3
Carter lost to Spalding -26
Griffiths lost to Hopgood -3
Sowerby lost to Walker -8
Medway lost to Wilson -13
Le Moignan & Le Moignan lost to Hopgood & Spalding -10
Griffiths/Hodge & Medway lost to Walker & Wilson - 14
Carter bt Hopgood +25tp
Martin Hodge lost to Spalding -6
Sowerby lost to Wilson -1T (14- 15)
Medway lost to Walker -15
Match result: Jersey 12, SCA 12
The two Richards in the Jersey team: from left to right, Sowerby and Griffiths.
Bill Spalding as outplayer during a singles game against Gavin Carter.
Gavin in play.
Tony Le Moignan and Rodolphe Dourthe.
Tony peeling 4-back during his TPO.
Elizabeth Medway.
Paula Le Moignan watches Tony doing his six peels during the TPO.
Jamieson Walker.
James Hopgood.