Secretary Trophy 2009

11 July 2009, Meadows

Hamish Duguid won all his games at Meadows West on Saturday 11 July to take the Secretary Trophy.  He also got his handicap down to 14, thus again moving one step ahead of his wife Janice, who took second place but remained at 16 for the time being.

Read more: Secretary Trophy 2009

Summer Weekend 2009

4-5 July 2009, Glasgow

This was the second tournament played at the Glasgow Club's new home in Alexandra Park, but the first SCA tournament there and the first to make any use of the lower bowling greens: the Glasgow Open, with eight players, had been accommodated on the two upper ones.  For a while it looked as if all four would be needed this time, but withdrawals left the number of players at 13 and the number of courts required at three.

Read more: Summer Weekend 2009

Middle Bisquers 2009

13-14 June 2009, Glasgow

As a result of handicap improvements and a variety of other commitments there were only four players in this year's competition: Alasdair Adam (10), Robert Lay (14), Joe Lennon (10) and Alan Wilson (4).

As manager Alan decided to have all play all on each day, with Sunday's order of play determined by Saturday's results.

Read more: Middle Bisquers 2009